Mrs Bell
What is your favourite Christmas song/carol and why?
"Coventry Carol": I learned it as a child and it is so beautiful and yet foreshadows death in such a melancholy way.
What is your favourite Christmas film and why?
(1) It's A Wonderful Life: if you ever feel like your life has had no purpose, watch this and weep. (2) A Muppet Christmas Carol: the best version of the novel ever. (3) Elf: a new entry in the DVD cabinet - very, very funny.
What is your favourite Christmas book or poem and why?
"The Night Before Christmas": my mummy read it to me every year and I can still picture the huge picture book it was printed on, with classic American illustrations. Magical.
What is your favourite Christmas food/drink?
I'm partial to a very dry sherry whilst wrapping presents. And I might have a little nibble of panatone with it.
What was the best Christmas gift you ever received?
The soundtrack album to Grease, Christmas 1978. I know EVERY WORD.
What do you most look forward to about Christmas?
Wearing pyjamas and watching films all day.
Laura Burden
What is your favourite Christmas film and why?
What is your favourite Christmas song/carol and why?
"Coventry Carol": I learned it as a child and it is so beautiful and yet foreshadows death in such a melancholy way.
What is your favourite Christmas film and why?
(1) It's A Wonderful Life: if you ever feel like your life has had no purpose, watch this and weep. (2) A Muppet Christmas Carol: the best version of the novel ever. (3) Elf: a new entry in the DVD cabinet - very, very funny.
What is your favourite Christmas book or poem and why?
"The Night Before Christmas": my mummy read it to me every year and I can still picture the huge picture book it was printed on, with classic American illustrations. Magical.
What is your favourite Christmas food/drink?
I'm partial to a very dry sherry whilst wrapping presents. And I might have a little nibble of panatone with it.
What was the best Christmas gift you ever received?
The soundtrack album to Grease, Christmas 1978. I know EVERY WORD.
What do you most look forward to about Christmas?
Wearing pyjamas and watching films all day.
Laura Burden
What is your favourite Christmas song/carol and why?
I like the “Advent Carol: O Come O Come Emmanuel” and I love the tune to “Jesus Christ the Apple Tree.” However, my favourite has to be “The Sussex Carol”. I can’t really explain why – I suppose it’s somehow bound to particular childhood memories. The folk tune it’s sung to is pure, simple and joyous.
What is your favourite Christmas film and why?
I have to admit to a very soft spot for the Muppet Christmas Carol. It is funny but communicates Dickens’ tale - the ultimate story of the redemption of a character through the spirit of Christmas - very clearly. The Snowman is timeless.
What is your favourite Christmas book or poem and why?
Aside from A Christmas Carol, it has to be The Tailor of Gloucester by Beatrix Potter. Again, it’s another tale of the redemptive power of Christmas: Simpkin the cat realises that his hiding the twist his master needed to finish the waistcoat was foolish and unkind; the tailor’s kindness towards the mice is rewarded as they work through the night to finish his work when he becomes ill.
What is your favourite Christmas food/drink?
I haven’t spent Christmas in the UK for 17 years. I usually have a pizza on Christmas Day (we ski in France).
What do you most look forward to about Christmas?
Christmas can be a bit of an anti-climax but I love the nostalgia of it – I’m an atheist but carol services bring me very close to tears every year, half out of the memories the music evokes and half out of exhaustion and relief that it’s the end of term! Naturally, I look forward to spending time with my family. And, as I always ski on Christmas Day, there’s no need to dream of a white Christmas: I’m pretty much guaranteed one.
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