LGBT Campaigner Peter Tatchell Visits PGS

by Jo Morgan

On Thursday December 11th, notorious campaigner Peter Tatchell came to PGS. He is is famous for fighting for LGBT equality and human rights across the world and has sacrificed his own safety on many occasions to stand up for what he believes in and to defend those who have been marginalised and oppressed. 

Peter's first talk was to the school's Pride Society. He spoke about his own personal journey to pride and his experience of coming out, setting up the UK's first gay pride march and how he became an activist: 

Following this he was interviewed by pupils Dodo Charles and Alice McBain:

Finally, Peter gave a General Studies lecture on the ongoing fight for LGBT equality:

Peter was an engaging, passionate and inspirational speaker and we hope to welcome him back to PGS in the future. 


  1. Toby Chopra (PGS parent)13 January 2015 at 11:36

    Bravo PGS. The sheer bravery that Peter has shown over the years in pursuit of justice is astonishing.


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