"My Perfect Christmas": Dr Richmond and Mrs Morgan

Dr Richmond:

What is your favourite Christmas song/piece of music and why?
My favourite Christian carol has to be ‘It Came upon a Midnight Clear’. It’s lovely to sing the words: “That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth, To touch their harps of gold”. It’s even better to sing these words at Midnight Mass with the frost outside. My non-Christian choice would be George Michael’s ‘Last Christmas’. Once I hear that on the radio, I know the Christmas season has begun!
What is your favourite Christmas film and why?
It’s really not about Christmas, but I still associate ‘The Wizard of Oz’, starring Judy Garland, as a film I love to watch over Christmas. And the Wicked Witch of the West still makes me feel very scared! 
What is your favourite Christmas book/story and why?
The best story ever told is that of a Jewish boy born in a stable that was sent by God with the message of peace and hope. The world really needs to hear this message at the moment.
What is your favourite Christmas food/drink and why?
Christmas pudding, of course. And I love it with lashings of custard, not brandy butter/cream.
What was the worst present you ever received? 
Richard Dawkins’ ‘The God Delusion’. I have no problem with atheists who put forward cogent arguments against the existence of God. But Dawkins needs to learn the basics of theology and philosophy before he takes on the intellectual minds of Augustine and Aquinas. His arguments against the design and cosmological arguments for the existence of God are laughable and embarrassing. Someone ought to teach Dawkins what ‘fides quaerens intellectum’ actually means.
What present are you hoping for this Christmas?
My mum smiling whilst walking around Riga Christmas market with me and my brother (it will be her 80th birthday) whilst feeling healthy and ready to face 2017! 
What do you like best and/or least about Christmas and/or New Year?
I don’t like Boxing Day: you feel so deflated after the run-up to Christmas day with nothing much to look forward to for months.

Mrs Morgan:

What is your favourite Christmas song/piece of music and why? 
'All I Want for Christmas is You' by Mariah Carey. It is, very aptly, as camp as Christmas. 
What is your favourite Christmas film and why? 
To watch with my kids it's got to be 'Elf' which we watch every year. When they go to bed I watch 'Love Actually'. Cheesy but a classic. 
What is your favourite Christmas book/story and why? 
That would have to be the nativity. Timeless fiction! 
What is your favourite Christmas food/drink and why? 

Absolutely everything. We go Christmas food (and drink!) crazy in our family. One of my favourite things is fried turkey sandwiches with cranberry and bread sauce to start off Boxing Day. Trust me, it's amazing. 
What was the worst present you ever received? 
A Jamie Oliver cookbook that I already had. It was from my husband who just wanted me to cook all the dishes for him!
What present are you hoping for this Christmas?
A new mobile phone. Mine is dying. 
What do you like best and/or least about Christmas and/or New Year? 
I really do love everything about Christmas and NY. The only thing I don't like is when it's all over. 


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